story 05 — Caroline Allen

Caroline Allen liked to stare out of her window, her tea at hand and a cookie within reach. Her hobby consisted of two things: walking and reading. She often did both together, which has gotten a good share of laughs and mocking from her neighbors. They were cruel indeed, but she didn’t give their disdainContinue reading “story 05 — Caroline Allen”

Story 04 – Hands Together

Hands Together His hands have always been much larger than my own, but I had never noticed until he rejected the hand that I offered to him. His hands were dark and tanned and mine were light and baby pink. My first memory of my most favorite uncle was sitting between his legs, both bentContinue reading “Story 04 – Hands Together”

Story 03 – By My Side

By My Side She inhaled heavily and exhaled with her eyes shut tight. Her hands clamped around the thin strap of her shoulder bag, her heels together, feet frozen. The fear of making the wrong decision slid from the top of her mind down through her spine and firmly bolted her to the cement flooring.Continue reading “Story 03 – By My Side”

Story 02 – For Always

She looked at me from across the round table on the second floor of the library. She watched me continue to type. She waited for me to finish studying. She wasn’t attending school like she had planned. I was in college. She was unemployed. The bags under eyes mirrored that of my own, but deeper. Her eyes were dry and red. Everything about her seemed sickly. Ragged as she seemed, she still wore an ear to ear smile. She wore a long-sleeved shirt under a summer floral dress. And it was a habit. I showed her mine, and she showed hers.

Story 01 – Super Francis

Super Francis Francis and I met during the fall season. It was chilly; I remember goosebumps popping all across my arms. The first year was spent keeping my distance from her. She was someone I couldn’t relate to very well. She laughed too much. She smiled way too often. She made me feel out ofContinue reading “Story 01 – Super Francis”