i’m not closing the doors

to this blog. It’s where I dump unadulterated feelings and a very good medium for me to just let out any unrefined thoughts about how to go about my journey in life. That said, I’m really looking forward to incorporating my writing and art together. I’m making a new site. It’s called “June Adupe” whereContinue reading “i’m not closing the doors”

rebranding but not really

I’ve been thinking. Again. As always. Like all times, it’s about my writing and my art. I’ve been testing out a site for my art since the start of the year: this one. And honestly, there’s no community to build with there. It feels isolated. Certain things look really cool because of the different widgetsContinue reading “rebranding but not really”

i never know

These days I never know if what I’m doing is the right thing or if I’m just going with the flow of whatever else everyone is saying. Whenever my opinion or decision differs it feels like I’m in the wrong. Am I in the wrong? Don’t answer that. A very big part of me doesn’tContinue reading “i never know”

failure to launch. meanwhile, tutoring?

Here’s the deal, I’m just not finding the right job or the job just isn’t finding me. Sure, I was very dispirited for a couple months not only from a rejection but also from the realization that in the 24 years I’ve lived, I don’t have much experience. My life experience goes as far asContinue reading “failure to launch. meanwhile, tutoring?”

Story 03 – By My Side

By My Side She inhaled heavily and exhaled with her eyes shut tight. Her hands clamped around the thin strap of her shoulder bag, her heels together, feet frozen. The fear of making the wrong decision slid from the top of her mind down through her spine and firmly bolted her to the cement flooring.Continue reading “Story 03 – By My Side”